Are you looking for a detailed comparison on On-Premises Exchange vs Office 365? Then you have right it. We all are always looking for the best, aren’t we?
That’s why you are here too.
“Should I purchase a new server or migrate my email to the Cloud?”
This question revolves around the mind of every person who wants to migrate his data from one platform to another. Whether it is On-Premises Exchange or Office 365, both have established their value in the market.
Undoubtedly, they both are the most prominent email platforms globally but depending on your business type. One will prove to be better than the other.
Are you too confused about Microsoft On-Premise Exchange vs Office 365?
But you don’t need to worry anymore. We’ve got everything figured out.
In this blog article, we will analyze all elements of On-Premises Exchange VS Office 365, including their benefits and drawbacks, so that you can make an informed decision.
However, before learning more about On-Premises Exchange and Office 365 and selecting what you want, you need first to understand your company’s needs and expectations.
Some of the factors can be:
- How much does it cost to manage the on-site resources?
- What type of business does your organization run?
- And what is the total expenditure on hardware and software resources?
- What kind of benefits Exchange Server on-premises or Online will give?
- For how long do you need an application?
Let us now discuss On-Premises Exchange and Office 365 in detail.
What Exactly Is On-premises Exchange?
On-premises Exchange, as the name implies, keeps the Exchange Servers on its premises. It is possible to obtain it by acquiring a client access license. You’ll need enough hardware with Exchange installed for this.
How can On-Premises Exchange benefit you?
- It provides complete control over Exchange, allowing the user to modify specifications or settings and quickly manage mailboxes and other items as needed.
- Server upgrades, restarts, backups, and shutdowns may all be scheduled and carried out at your leisure.
- Exchange Data is entirely in your control, and you know exactly where it is.
Why should you not go for Exchange On-Premises?
- Significant expenditure is required at the early stage of installation.
- Technical competence is required to manage the DNS Services, Firewalls, and Active Directory for On-premises Exchange Server.
- To administer the mailboxes, prohibit illegal access, and restore lost or corrupted mailboxes, an on-site Exchange Administrator, is necessary.
- The cost of maintaining and updating hardware and software is exorbitant.
- Any failure or disaster to data at Exchange will be entirely the organization’s responsibility (if On-premises Exchange is used).
So, since we have now understood On-Premises Exchange, let’s now move to Office 365? And let’s have a quick overview of Microsoft exchange on-premise vs. Office 365.
Office 365 is a subscription-based cloud-based Software as a Service. Users can subscribe to the plan based on their needs.
There are several Office 365 options available, including Office 365 Home, Office 365 Personal, and Office 365 Education.
Benefits of Office 365:
- With Office 365, users may access various services such as hosted Exchange Server, SharePoint, and Skype for Business Server, among others.
- Users will always receive the most recent version; there is no need to upgrade all the time. No need to pay for updates.
- There is no need to spend on hardware installation at the start.
- Office 365 services are available everywhere there is a network connection.
- Office 365 is cost-efficient as there is no need to maintain anything.
Disadvantages of Office 365:
- Users are unaware that Microsoft has data centers located all over the world. As a result, consumers are unaware of the location of their data.
- Office 365 has a problem with archiving mails.
- While Microsoft is the most dependable client for data storage, there is some risk of unauthorized access and worry about data integrity, so significant companies are hesitant to use Office 365.
- Data migration needs the aid of a third party.
Note: Whether you choose On-Premise Exchange or Office 365, You can use a third-party tool for all your needs. Still, you might want to migrate from Office 365 to On-Premise Exchange and vice versa. But, How will you do it?
Hence, you can go for a professional tool- Exchange to Office 365 Migration Tool. Using this tool, you will quickly move your emails, calendars, contacts, etc., to another platform.
Last words on: On-Premises Exchange Vs Office 365
Whether you choose On-Premise Exchange or Office 365 is mainly dependent on your company’s demands, infrastructure, money, and workforce. A remedy that benefits one person may be a curse for another.
As a result, depending on the advantages and cons of the service, each company should choose between on-premises and online Exchange for their organization. Finally, the company should extensively investigate Office 365 vs. On-Premises Exchange Server.